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Vikings not interested in acquiring Titans QB Young

The Minnesota Vikings have not had internal discussions about acquiring Titans quarterback Vince Young, according to a league source. Minnesota drafted Florida State's Christian Ponder with the No. 12 overall pick and is expected to add a veteran once the lockout is lifted. However, Young, at this time, does not appear to be under consideration.

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Young currently is on the Titans' roster, but Tennessee said it will try to trade Young or release him if a deal can't be completed. Ownership and team leaders acknowledged its plans to split with the former No. 3 overall pick in the 2006 draft after Young's repeated run-ins with former coach Jeff Fisher and after consulting other members of the organization.

An NFC general manager said that Young's options could be limited because so many teams addressed their quarterback situation through the draft. Though some teams might not view their rookies as immediate starters, adding a young veteran like Young could become problematic since Young is trying to re-establish himself while a draft pick is being developed.

Young started eight games for the Titans last season, recording 10 touchdowns, 3 interceptions and 1,255 passing yards on his way to a 98.6 passer rating.

Follow Steve Wyche on Twitter @wyche89.

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