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NFLPA reaffirms Smith as executive director

The NFL Players Association has unanimously re-affirmed DeMaurice Smith as its executive director for the next three years.

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Formal elections are not scheduled at the player rep meeting until Sunday, but after Thursday's vote, that should be a formality.

Per player sources, after his opening remarks at this morning's session, NFLPA president Kevin Mawae told the assembled group that he believed Smith had delivered during his first three-year term, and that Smith was the man to lead the union going forward. He asked if anyone wanted to re-affirm Smith as executive director for another term.

One player motioned to do it. Two others seconded. And then they took the vote, which Smith carried unanimously.

Smith's new term will run through 2015.

The NFLPA also announced Thursday Richard Berthelsen will step down as NFLPA General Counsel on May 15 and will assume a senior consulting role with the organization.

Follow Albert Breer on Twitter @AlbertBreer.

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