Does it feel like the Tennessee Titans' upset win over the Pittsburgh Steelers was 10,000 years ago or what?
Tennessee's out-of-nowhere win last Thursday really set the tone for Week 6, when nothing made sense:
Instant Debate: Fraud squad?

Which team isn't as good as its record suggests:
Ravens, Atlanta, Houston or Chicago? Let's debate!
**More ...**
» The San Diego Chargersblowing a 24-0 halftime lead once the Denver Broncosstopped tackling themselves.
» The Miami Dolphins hemorrhaging yards on the ground after giving up nada all season (... but still managing a big win).
» The Buffalo Bills playing defense.
» The Houston Texans forgetting how to play defense.
» Jim Harbaugh's San Francisco 49ers doing the one thing they don't do: Beat themselves.
What does all this constitute in the broad (football) scheme of things? That after six weeks, if you've got two wins, you still have hope.
Hell, if Ike Redman can put up over a 100 yards *receiving*, anything is possible. It also means doing the Power Rankings this week was analogous to explaining our health care system to Simple Jack ...
Me too, Josh. Oh, wait.
Well, after a wild week in pro football, here is the power stack. Feel free to bring it to @HarrisonNFL.
Let the dissension commence ...
(Note: Arrows reflect change in standings from last week's Power Rankings.)
Elliot Harrison is an analyst on NFL Network's NFL Fantasy Live show, weekdays at 1 p.m. ET and Sundays at 11:30 a.m. ET. Follow him on Twitter _@HarrisonNFL_