Three Atlanta radio hosts were fired Monday for a senseless skit mocking former New Orleans Saints player Steve Gleason, who suffers from ALS. Two of the fired hosts expressed deep contrition in the wake of the story.
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The other host, Nick Cellini, doesn't seem to understand why he lost his job.
In comments to, Cellini said it was a "relief" to get fired. While he issued the customary apology, Cellini also said the skit just gave the station an excuse to cut salary and hire a cheaper morning show.
"That station is a sinking ship," Cellini said.
It's not a surprise that Cellini was the one who played the role of Gleason in the failed skit. His colleague, Chris Dimino, on the other hand, showed obvious discomfort while on air during the segment. Dimino, however, didn't step up enough to stop the skit as it happened. He posted a Facebook message late Monday night that is worth reading in full.
"The sheer stupidity of trying to put this as a failed attempt at humor is not lost on me," Dimino wrote. "The words 'Should have known better' mean nothing to me. And shouldn't to you right now."
The rest of the clear-headed, heartfelt message reads like a devastated family man who understands how a few wayward minutes can change a life.
"I hope I get a chance to prove this is not who I want to be," Dimino wrote. "It was and is who 'I am' today, though. That much is not lost on me. I have spent so long not trying to put other people in a bad place because of me. Today I failed miserably."
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