Robert Griffin III says what's on his mind.
Breer: More than just RGIII

Though led by one player, the Redskins' rebirth has involved the transformation of the entire team, Albert Breer says. **More ...**
This isn't unusual in a general sense, but it is in the world of professional sports. Many athletes, especially prominent ones like Griffin, speak with prudence, careful not to say anything that can be amplified into a bigger story.
Griffin might change his behavior in time. For now, he remains open and honest. This got him in some trouble last week when he made the unilateral decision to address speculation that he and Washington Redskins coach Mike Shanahan had been in conflict over his recovery timetable from knee surgery.
Griffin was criticized by many for taking an unnecessary step in his attempt to squelch the story. Griffin has expressed no regrets, and on Wednesday, he was asked if the reaction to his statement last week makes him want to change his ways.
"It sucks. That's why I had to come out and make that statement," Griffin told reporters. "But I sat down and talked to a few people to make a decision. Do I stop being who I am and stop being honest with you guys and give you guys ammunition to turn against this team? Or do I just go into a shell and Bill Belichick it all week? But I'm just gonna continue to be who I am."
Griffin continued: "If something like that does happen, you make a statement and make sure everybody gets it clear, but I don't think I'm gonna change who I am just because people take my words and use them against me."
In actual football news, reported Wednesday that Griffin worked against the Redskins' starting defense for the first time in a full practice since last season. Griffin had worked with the scout team last week. The QB still needs to be cleared by Dr. James Andrews to play in game action, but he remains on schedule for Week 1, barring a setback.
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