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Seattle Seahawks leaving opponents with hangover

Playing the 6-1 Seattle Seahawks has been no day at the beach this season.

According to NFL Media's research department, Seattle's opponents are 0-6 the week after facing the Seahawks this season. Even more telling, their first six opponents have been outscored 172-62 in their next games after playing the Seahawks.

So what can we make of this trend?

Appearing on Thursday's "The M&M Podcast," NFL Media's Steve Mariucci attributed the slide to the Seahawks' sheer physicality.

We concur with Mariucci's theory. Opponents come away beat up and short-handed on both sides of the ball after playing Seattle.

We've never seen a preseason team play with as much maniacal intensity as Pete Carroll's squad in an August game versus the Denver Broncos in which Champ Bailey, Wes Welker, Derek Wolfe and Louis Vasquezall came awayworse for the wear.

In an era in which padded practices are becoming extinct, Seattle is one of the few teams still built on physicality and aggressiveness.

Their statistical trend bodes well for the Atlanta Falcons, traveling to Arizona this week to face the Seahawks' most recent victim.

The "Around The League Podcast" spoke with NFL Films senior producer Greg Cosell on Wednesday. Click here to listen and subscribe.

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