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Eli Manning can disable your phone in 4 seconds or less

That tricky Eli.

During a fan forum in Houston with Commissioner Roger Goodell and fellow Walter Payton Man of the Year candidates Larry Fitzgerald and Greg Olsen, Giants quarterback Eli Manning was asked about his signature prank -- his ability to change the language setting on your iPhone from English to Chinese in four seconds.

Manning explained the process and then offered a demonstration on the phone of the fan who asked the question.

The back story is the best part. Manning's most infamous phone hack was perpetrated against former Saturday Night Live star Kevin Nealon, who had the onions to ask Eli to personally take a photo of Nealon and big brother Peyton at an SNL anniversary party in 2015. Insulted, Eli stealthily compromised Nealon's mobile device then slipped out of view.

In an appearance on Conan later that year, Nealon shared the story, though in his retelling he did not ask Eli to take the photo, instead explaining that Peyton simply called his brother over and handed him the phone to look at their photo. Eli's story is waaaaaaay more believable, but that's just one man's opinion.

The kicker is that Eli never fixed Nealon's phone, which is just tremendous.

"I go over to [Peyton], I say, 'Where's Eli, where's your brother?' " Nealon said. "And I see him. I say, 'Fix this phone. I hate the Giants. I'll never like the Giants. Fix the phone.' And you know what? He pretended to fix it and it still wasn't fixed. I had to go down to the Apple store."

If that's not your Walter Payton Man of the Year, I demand a recount.

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