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Jesse James on voided TD: 'You can learn from it'

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Jesse James heard all the talk about how he got robbed by officials after his touchdown was overturned in Sunday's loss to the New England Patriots.

"A lot of [friends and family] said to keep your head up -- I don't need that," James told ESPN's Jeremy Fowler. "It's part of football. You can learn from it. Can't leave the game in the official's hands. Make the play more secure than it was."

James noted that if he hadn't tried to stretch the ball out, the outcome of the game is likely different.

"It sucks," he said.

Alas, the loss wiped away a shot to all but lock down the No. 1 seed in the AFC. The Steelers now must put the defeat behind them and focus on winning out to secure a playoff bye.

"We won't let [the loss] affect us," James said.

Pittsburgh ends the season with games against the four-win Texans and winless Browns. Securing a bye would be a big aid to a banged-up Steelers squad that will be without MVP candidate Antonio Brown for at least the rest of the regular season.

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