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Colts kicker Adam Vinatieri sets all-time points record

Adam Vinatieri made history Sunday. Again.

With a second-quarter 25-yard field goal against the Oakland Raiders on Sunday, the Indianapolis Colts kicker became the NFL's all-time leading scorer, surpassing Hall of Fame kicker Morten Andersen (2,544).

Vinatieri entered the game with 2,540 points and tied Anderson's mark with a first-quarter extra point and field goal. The kicker recorded 10 points on the day and closed with 2,550 career points after Indy's 42-28 win.

The next closest active player is Seahawks kicker Sebastian Janikowski, who has 1,844 points after Sunday's games.

It's been a history-making, record-breaking type of season for the legendary kicker. Just four weeks ago, Vinatieri broke the all-time mark for field goals, usurping Andersen again (565).

The 45-year-old veteran entered the game with a groin injury, and Indianapolis worked out three free-agent kickers this week in case he couldn't play. But Vinatieri pushed through, back onto the field and into the history books.

There are few records remaining for Vinatieri to break. He is unlikely to break Andersen's record for most games played (382) or George Blanda's record for oldest player to play in an NFL game (48 years, 109 days). But despite his age, Vinatieri has not counted out a return next season and beyond.

"I don't ever want to get to a point where it's, 'I should have hung it up a year ago,'" Vinatieri told NFL Network's Judy Battista in a feature published this month. "I'm not putting a time on it. If we get through the season and we're trending up, team-wise, if we're a playoff contender ... I want another Super Bowl. If we've got a chance here [in Indianapolis] or anywhere else, I'd consider continuing. I'm not overly into moving my family, but if the Colts didn't want me back and next year's AFC or NFC champion said, 'We need you,' it would be interesting."

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