Green Bay Packers
In 1936, Coach Curly Lambeau’s passing-oriented Packers team went 10-1-1, which was the league’s best record, and easily beat the Boston Redskins in the NFL Championship. Green Bay averaged over 20 points per game, tops in the league; their offensive stars were the Hall of Famers Arnie Herber, who led the NFL in both passing yards (1,239) and TD passes (11) and Don Hutson who ranked first in receptions, receiving yards and receiving touchdowns. Hall of Fame fullback Clarke Hinkle led the Packers with five rushing touchdowns. In the NFL Championship, Boston Redskins owner George Preston Marshall moved the game to New York City’s Polo Grounds due to a perceived lack of fan support. Without home-field advantage, the Packers took a lead in the first 3 minutes and never looked back, winning 21-6.