A room filled with heroes -- Dan Hanzus, Chris Wesseling, Gregg Rosenthal and Marc Sessler -- bring you all of the latest news around the NFL, including the most recent development with Antonio Brown and the Raiders (6:25), Duke Johnson being traded to the Texans (14:37) and the latest with the Saints no-call lawsuit (20:35). There is tons of information from all the preseason opener action (30:40) and the heroes get feisty about teams nobody is talking about... or maybe just them (44:05).
Listen to the podcast here:
![Listen on Google Play Music](https://play.google.com/music/m/Iexqrnb45uhlzambssxeqz6nbka?t=AroundtheNFL&utmsource=globalco&utmmedium=prtnr&utmcontent=Mar2515&utm_campaign=PartBadge&pcampaignid=MKT-Other-global-all-co-prtnr-mu-PartBadge-Mar2515-1)