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Browns GM Dorsey: Prior regime didn't get real players

John Dorsey has been on the job in Cleveland less than a week, but the Browns new GM already made sweeping conclusions about the performance of Sashi Brown and the previous regime.

"You know what? You've got to get (Hue Jackson) players,'' Dorsey told 850 WKNR-AM on Thursday, via Mary Kay Cabot of "And you know what? I'll come straight out with it. The guys who were here before, that system, they didn't get real players.''

Dorsey made it clear he believes the Browns lacked a strong personnel man to collect Hue Jackson winning players and the new GM backed the coach with a 1-28 record.

"As Bill Parcells would always say, 'you are your record' and you know what? There it is, so that's the truth-teller in this thing,'' Dorsey said. "And I'm going to do my darnedest to get Hue (Jackson) players.

"And that's all I can ask for, and that's all I'm going to do. I like the man.''

In Dorsey's view Sashi Brown might not have collected enough talent to win in the short term, but the former GM left Cleveland with a treasure trove of draft capital, including five picks in the first two rounds of the 2018 NFL Draft. It's Dorsey's job to turn those picks into winning players.

"Let's be real we're 0-13, okay?'' he said. "So let's get this thing rolling. The only way to do that is to start to build this thing.''