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Cam Newton should always be wired for sound, forever

Cam Newton has taken a lot of heat through the years, some deserved, much of it nonsense. But even the most ardent Cam Hater will struggle to take issue with the quarterback after watching video of Newton wired for sound during the Panthers' blowout win over the Redskins on Sunday.

Newton has a smile on his face throughout the clip, whether he's talking to a young fan, repeatedly drawing the hapless Washington defensive line offsides or giving a young sideline judge grief for his boyish appearance.

Seriously, attaching a microphone to Newton every Sunday might be the only PR Newton will ever need.

There are plenty of highlights in the video, which Phil Simms called on Inside The NFL the "funniest piece I've ever watched in highlight, ever." Simms is no bastion of comedic taste, but the clip has it all: from sideline posing with Panthers teammates to his subtle reference of "Captain Kirk" upon meeting Redskins quarterback Kirk Cousins on the field after the game.

But we imagine it will be the conversation with sideline judge Walt Coleman IV (a first-year official and son of longtime NFL zebra Walt Coleman III) that this clip will ultimately be remembered by. Hell, don't be surprised if a snippet of it is played prior to Newton's speech in Canton one day.

A transcription, for posterity:

Walt Colemans from here until eternity should be proud to be connected to this magical moment.