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Carlos Rogers says New York Jets' defense quit

For a 2-2 team, the New York Jets are enduring a pretty miserable week.

They lost their best player, cornerback Darrelle Revis, for the season with a torn anterior cruciate ligament.

Are the New York Jets in free fall?

Their most explosive offensive player, wide receiver Santonio Holmes, also looks out for the year.

Their owner Woody Johnson even suggested on national television that the 2012 presidential election might actually be more important than the 2012 NFL season.

Sandwiched in between all this fun was the team's 34-0 loss to the 49ers. San Francisco beating the Jets on the road was not a surprise. How the 49ers pulled it off is what was so alarming.

Thirty-four to zero is not a score we're used to seeing from the Rex Ryan-era Jets. Niners cornerback Carlos Rogersbelieves the Jets packed it in.

"It kinda seemed like, after a while they just, I know, looking at their defense, they didn't want to be out there," on Sirius XM Radio via Conor Orr of The Star-Ledger. "And after that it's like, man, these guys don't really want to play the game. You know, it's pretty much over.

"You could see it happening. It kinda shocked me just because, you know, a lot of guys were saying on the sideline, 'Oh, they don't want to tackle, they don't want to do this, they don't want to do that.' That's a Rex Ryan defense. That's a Rex Ryan team."

Rogers went on to say that it was out of character for a Ryan-led squad. The rest of the season will be a test of that character.

The Texans visit Metlife Stadium on Monday. If the Jets quit this week, the whole country will see it.

UPDATE: Ryan on Monday responded to Rogers, saying he didn't believe his defense quit, but that they were tired in the fourth quarter.

"I think we have a reputation in this league as being a tremendous defense and we didn't play that way and I think that's the big thing," Ryan told reporters. But as far as us quitting, there's no way. That wasn't the case. We got beat. There's no doubt about it."

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