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Chiefs a logical landing spot if Nick Foles is dealt

Chip Kelly said Monday it was his "hope" the Philadelphia Eagles will have both Michael Vick and Nick Foles on the roster come Week 1.

Kelly called it an "open competition" at quarterback and stressed that Foles was kept in the loop on the Eagles' thinking in restructuring Vick's deal. It certainly doesn't sound like the Eagles are about to ship Foles out of town.

That said, Kelly didn't rule out a possible trade. Around The League checked in with's Daniel Jeremiah, who served as the Eagles' west coast scout from 2010-12. Jeremiah doesn't know the Eagles' internal thinking on the matter, but he pointed to the Kansas City Chiefs as a potential trade fit.

The logic is simple: Andy Reid took over as head coach of the Chiefs last month after 14 seasons in Philadelphia. His staff includes Doug Pederson, the former Eagles' quarterbacks coach who now serves as the Chiefs' offensive coordinator. Foles' skill-set is ideally suited for the West Coast offense, and he spent his rookie season learning the Reid playbook in Philadelphia.

"I know both Andy Reid and Doug Pederson were very high on Nick Foles and his future," Jeremiah said. "They were huge supporters through the entire process and believe in him greatly.

"I would think they would explore that opportunity if it presented itself."

Reid and Pederson love Foles' size and accuracy, two traits they covet at the position. And while we don't imagine the Eagles would bend over backwards to help Reid, it certainly helps that the divorce between coach and team was largely amicable. That Reid now operates in a different conference doesn't hurt, either.

Kelly said Monday that every NFL team needs two quarterbacks. There's logic to that, especially when Vick is one of them. But if Reid wanted Foles enough, the Eagles would have to at least listen.

Follow Dan Hanzus on Twitter @DanHanzus.