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Darrelle Revis: Last contract was 'Band-Aid'

We almost made it through the afternoon without a Darrelle Revis update. It's time for a correction.

The magic word from Revis on Wednesday: "Band-Aid." (Actually, that's two words. With a hyphen in between.)

"Let's be real. It was quoted that it was a Band-Aid. It was quoted. That's all I know about it," Revis said Wednesday.

We can't find the actual quote from 2010, but The Associated Press says it happened. Those guys are pretty trustworthy. We did find this quote from New York Jets general manager Mike Tannenbaum.

"This is an intermediate step to what we hope will be an entire career of Darrelle as a Jet, for him to retire as a Jet and for him to hopefully go to the Hall of Fame as a Jet," Tannenbaum said at the time.

Revis wants contract talks sooner than later. ESPN's Sal Paolantonio said Tannenbaum has "no appetite whatsoever" for further discussions.

The more that we hear about this situation, the less likely we think the Jets will talk contract this offseason. Revis is talking tough to keep his options open, but we suspect he'll still be at training camp on time. Which means we can write daily Darrelle Revis updates again next offseason.