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DeMaurice Smith shrugs off idea union is stalling on HGH testing

DeMaurice Smith, the executive director of the NFL Players Association, has taken a few hits off the field. Namely, he and the union have been accused of stalling over details that would lead to the implementation of human growth hormone testing in the NFL.

In fact, a Thursday column in USA Today criticized the union for dragging its feet, using insight from the CEO of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency. Fox Sports' Mike Garafolo took those issues directly to Smith for a Q&A.

Smith didn't buy the accusations of stalling in negotiations of implementating of HGH testing.

Smith said the sides have agreed to procedures, but he was non-committal over a timeline for starting HGH testing. Smith denied involvement in the reported population study that will involve former players and referred Garafolo to the independent doctor for details.

As for the reason the testing hasn't become official yet, Smith said it's because Goodell hasn't finished the details of the disciplinary process.

-- Bill Bradley, contributing editor