Wednesday's health and safety news from the world of football:
- Yahoo!Sports talked to an independent physician, Dr. William Barr, who said pulling kids from football could put them more at risk than letting them play, talking after the New York Jets' recent Moms Football Safety Clinic.
- In a Q&A with CBS Sports, Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott said his league will re-examine its concussion protocols.
- The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that Fargo (N.D.) North High School received an award for its work on concussion awareness and surprise visit from members of the Minnesota Vikings.
- WLWT-TV in Cincinnati reported that A.J. Green helped Verizon Wireless make a major donation toward domestic violence.
- The State Hornet at Sacramento State reported that the school will dedicate its homecoming game to domestic violence awareness.
- The Loudon Times in Leesburg, Va., looked at high school football in the Loudon area and the traditions that have become part of the "Friday night rites."
- KIRO-TV in Seattle reported that cancer concerns from the crumb rubber have prompted one area high school to halt the debut of its new artificial turf field.
-- Bill Bradley, contributing editor