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Is Lynch taking 'Beast Mode' to your Netflix queue?

Marshawn Lynch suffered from the lack of a supporting cast last year in Seattle. This appears to be a recurring theme in his life.

The Pro Bowl running back has signed on for a role in "Matt's Chance," an independent film co-starring Lee Majors, Edward Furlong, Gary Busey and Margot Kidder, according to

Let's run this back, shall we? Majors starred in the TV show "The Six Million Dollar Man" roughly six million years ago. Furlong's career peaked at age 11 in "Terminator 2: Judgment Day." Busey was once an actor but is now mostly known for acting like a crazy person. Kidder? She played Lois Lane during the disco era and has nary been seen since.

The film's plot centers on a twenty-something cowboy who goes into a downward spiral after his girlfriend dumps him. If this sounds like your life anytime in the last decade, perhaps you should seek this movie out.

If we're all fortunate enough, "Matt's Chance" will land in our Netflix streaming queue in the not-so-distant future. In the meantime, all we can do is imagine a defeated Lynch hunched over in his trailer as Busey rants wildly about the evils of green Skittles.