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Jarvis Jones to start for Pittsburgh Steelers as rookie?

During minicamp earlier this month, the thought process was that the Pittsburgh Steelers, as is generally their modus operandi, would bring rookie outside linebacker Jarvis Jonesalong slowly.

However, according to Len Pasquarelli, writing for the National Football Post on Sunday, the rookie might overtake fourth-year pro Jason Worilds for the starting gig on the right side of the 3-4 defense.

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Jones is unlike most Steelers defensive rookies in that he already is familiar with playing linebacker, while most of the Steelers' recent draft picks were moved from defensive end to linebacker for the first time. Think LaMarr Woodley.

"(Jones) has got (linebacker) instincts," Steelers defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau said. "You don't have to (wean) him off the end stuff."

Any player learning the outside linebacker position will say the most difficult part is in mastering coverage instincts. If LeBeau already sees progress from the rookie, as Jones learns the rest of the defensive calls, it reasons that one of the greatest defensive minds in NFL history wouldn't hesitate to push the more talented player into the rotation quickly.

Follow Kevin Patra on Twitter @kpatra.