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Jason Pierre-Paul tells D-line coach he'll be back

Contact between the Giants and Jason Pierre-Paul is starting to become more frequent.

At least that's the case with defensive line coach Robert Nunn, who said he exchanged text messages recently with Pierre-Paul. The defensive end, who was forced to amputate his right index finger following a horrific Fourth of July weekend fireworks incident, said "I'm going to get myself right, and I'll be back."

"I've spoken to him on the phone and texted him back and forth, mostly about things other than football," Nunn said via The Daily News. "It was a tragic thing that happened, a major accident. Everybody has their beliefs on what happened, what should have happened, and will make of it what they want to. But the guy went through a tough thing. It's a tough situation to be in."

At this point, this is what the Giants are left with. The banal one-liners from their star defensive player don't come close to their desired level of contact, but what can they do?

Pierre-Paul will resurface when he feels the time is right. Until then, the Giants will have to hope that he'll be back like he said he would.

The latest Around The NFL Podcast features Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo sharing his thoughts on the upcoming season.