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Kenny Britt not worried about possible suspension

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Tennessee Titans receiver Kenny Britt is busy strengthening his surgically repaired knees so he can rejoin his teammates.

He says he's not worried about not hearing from NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell or what punishment he might receive for his latest brush with police.

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"That's just another bump in the road, another pothole in the road that we've got to go over and smoothing that out," Britt said Tuesday. "That's something I'm not putting in my head right now, just hoping to recover from these knee injuries."

Britt met with NFL officials Aug. 6 to discuss his arrest July 20 for driving under the influence when he tried to pass through a security gate at the Fort Campbell Army post on the Tennessee-Kentucky state line.

It was his eighth incident with police since the Titans drafted him in the first round in 2009, and he also visited Goodell a year ago with a stern reminder to behave.

The receiver said he doesn't watch or read any news so he isn't tracking what the league office is doing, trying to divine what punishment might come his way.

"They said they'd get back to me when he can," Britt said. "I'm not waiting for it. That's not where my mind is right now. My mind is just get back on the field."

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