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LeSean McCoy just wants the quarterbacks to like him

Everybody wants to be the quarterback. It is the great glory boy position of American sports. Unfortunately, very few can play the position at a professional level, and of that group, fewer still play it well.

Enter LeSean McCoy, who just wants to show Bills quarterbacks Tyrod Taylor, EJ Manuel and Cardale Jones that he's special. That he's more than just a dynamic running back; he's somebody that can really fit in. "OK," Tyrod Taylor said (maybe). "If you really want to be cool like us quarterbacks, throw one football into a large net from the distance of approximately 20 yards."

"Are you serious?" McCoy (hypothetically) would reply. "I'm a two-time All-Pro. I might be headed for the Hall of Fame. Throwing a ball into a large net at a distance of approximately 20 yards will be a piece of cake. You will soon respect me at a level I deem to be appropriate."

The December nights are always cold in Western New York. But especially so on this evening for one LeSean Kamel McCoy.