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Mike Shanahan: 'Skins have lot of confidence in RGIII

Contrary to popular belief, "Operation Patience" never ended. Its properties just transferred elsewhere in the Washington Redskins' organization.

Just ask coach Mike Shanahan, whose news conferences continue to be peppered with questions and scenarios involving QB Robert Griffin III in the wake of Washington's 0-2 start.

For your enjoyment, we present the following entertaining/awkward exchange with a local reporter Monday.

Reporter: Mike, there have been some analysts who have said that you should consider playing Kirk Cousins now because Robert is not able to be himself and do the things he's normally able to do. Some clamoring for that among the fans as well. Do you believe it's time to consider playing Kirk Cousins?

Shanahan: Well, I'm not going to speak for other analysts, but if you would like to ask the question instead of blaming it on somebody else ...

Reporter: Is there consideration for playing Kirk Cousins?

Shanahan: Um, no, no. But if you want to ask questions like that, please don't blame it on somebody else. I don't mind answering those questions, but ... no, we've got a lot of confidence in Robert.

So, yeah, Mike Shanahan will put you on blast if you phrase a question in a manner he deems to be dishonorable. This is good to know.

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