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Our Mission

We are all stewards of football.

We unite people and inspire communities in the joy of the game by delivering the world's most exciting sports and entertainment experience.

Our Responsibility

Every member of the NFL community embraces our unique leadership role in society, and assumes the trust, character, and responsibility that comes with that role. We bring fans and communities from all walks of life together to celebrate a game that is constantly evolving, balancing the authenticity of tradition with the power of innovation.



Everyone matters. Everyone contributes.

In a game of Xs and 0s, we embrace all people for who they are regardless of status, title or background. We celebrate diverse opinions and perspectives. We honor hard work and commitment. Every contribution makes us better.


We always look to make the right call.

We do the right thing when no one is looking, and even if it's unpopular when they are looking. We demand accountability and we expect fair play. We say what we mean, mean what we say, and always follow through. We accept responsibility when we get things wrong and then work to make them right.

Responsibility to Team

As a team, we support one another. We depend on one another.

Our fans give us their hearts. Our communities see themselves in us and we see ourselves in them. No matter how much we accomplish, no matter how successful we are, no one is bigger than the game. Everything we do has a consequence for someone else. We embrace our interdependence. We humbly strive to make our teams, our players, our fans, and our communities proud and better.


We set high standards, and continuously strive for excellence.

Anything is possible. No matter how great the obstacles, we overcome adversity. We turn losses into lessons. We adapt to changing circumstances and lead in new contexts. We embrace the greatest challenges and rise to meet them.