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Mohamed Sanu the victim of cruel draft-day prank

Mohamed Sanu thought he was a brand-new member of the Cincinnati Bengals. This wasn't a hunch or some inside info whispered into his ear by his agent. The Bengals called him.

Or so he thought.

In some of the weakest sauce ever concocted, the Rutgers wide receiver was the victim of a prank Thursday night. His phone rang, and a person identifying themselves as a Bengals official told him he was the 27th overall pick.

Sanu and his family exploded into celebration -- he was a first-round draft pick in the NFL. Then the Bengals selected Wisconsin guard Kevin Zeitler.

"This is a great kid, I guarantee you, and someone played a cruel joke on him," Sanu's agent, Mike McCartney, told's Peter King. "It is unreal that someone would do that, but it happened."

Sanu said he's fine and told McCartney whatever team actually drafts him will get a playmaker. A great attitude to have, but you can only imagine how much this prank must have hurt. Humanity fail.