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Reaction to Ted Wells report

The NFL community reacted to the release of Ted Wells' report on Wednesday regarding the New England Patriots' involvement of deflating footballs during the AFC title game against the Indianapolis Colts.

Colts linebacker Erik Waldentold TMZ that it's "gross" that Tom Brady would resort to cheating. Wells' report stated it was more probable than not that the Patriots quarterback "was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities" before January's AFC Championship Game.

"It's unfortunate that they did this, but they're still the champs," Walden told the website. "You gotta give them credit, they did it, and they got away with it, and they won the Super Bowl. At the end of the day, you still gotta play the game ... and in our game, it wouldn't have mattered if we were playing with a frisbee. They whupped us. They always find a way to win."

Walden also expressed his feelings on Twitter about the matter.

» Tom Brady Sr. had a strong defense of his four-time Super Bowl-winning son.

"I don't have any doubt about my son's integrity -- not one bit," Brady Sr. told USA TODAY Sports on Wednesday. "In this country, you're innocent until proven guilty. It just seems Tommy is now guilty until proven innocent."

» Denver Broncos defensive end Derek Wolfe told reporters during a press conference on Wednesday "If they (Patriots) want to deflate balls, let them deflate balls."

Wolfe also added: "At the end of the day, we've got to go out there and play football. That's what it comes down to. It's just a bunch of guys running into each other at the end of the day. The toughest guy usually wins.

"I don't care (about Wells report). I can't change it. If I say something, it's not going to change the outcome of the Super Bowl that just happened, right? It doesn't really matter. Are they going to take it away from them? That's not going to affect me at all. That's not going to put any more money in my pockets. It's not going to give me a ring. I'm more worried about our team going to win a ring."

Here are more reactions around the NFL:

When Rob Gronkowski was asked about Wells' report he responded by flexing his biceps.