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Redskins could get challenge from Eagles and NFL Network reporter Ian Rapoport has his thoughts on the game:

Why this game is intriguing: The Washington Redskins have proved that, Robert Griffin III or not, they are playoff-ready. With a five-game win streak that spans two quarterbacks -- RG3 and Kirk Cousins -- the 'Skins are as dangerous as anyone. They just need to get into the tournament first. And yet, a road game against the woeful Philadelphia Eagles might not be as easy as it seems, even if there is little fight left in Philly. The Eagles' defensive line, following the departure of coach Jim Washburn, has come alive. Trent Cole, Cullen Jenkins and even Brandon Graham are finally playing as they should have been all season long -- truly an active, menacing bunch these days. These are the guys RG3 must evade should he decide to tuck and run (if he does indeed play, of course). That just makes an otherwise dreary matchup a little intriguing.

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