Friday's health and safety news from the world of football:
- Washington's return-to-play Zackery Lystedt Law on concussions is influencing states from coast-to-coast, according to The Plain Dealer.
- The Associated Press reported on how the NFL is seeking the right answers for handling marijuana.
- wrote about how the Denver Broncos surprised a longtime fan suffering from Cerebral Palsey with a VIP experience.
- Bloomberg reported that an indoor American football league, led by ESPN's Ron Jaworski, was approved by the Chinese government.
- WCYB-TV in Bristol, Virginia, reported on how doctors in Bristol, Tennessee, are urging concussion awareness for parents of high school football players.
- WTVT-TV in Tampa, Florida, covered a video created by a local hospital to raise awareness of concussions.
- The Las Vegas Review Journal reported on Faith Lutheran High School, which is using the Guardian Cap during football practices during training camp.
-- Bill Bradley, contributing editor