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Shake it like Gronk

It's Rob Gronkowski's world and we are all just living in it.

The Super Bowl championship tour continues for the New England Patriots tight end/real life labradoodle, and no venue is safe. Last night, Gronkowski and his band of brothers hit up a Los Angeles Clippers game and decided to show off their dance moves on the Clippers' dance cam.

Gronk also took to the court to throw some footballs into the crowd. Don't worry, none were thrown from the one-yard line because, you know, that would be insane.

It's good to be Gronk right now.

Colin J. Liotta is a Digital Features Editor at He's also a lover of comic books and believes "TigerSharks" was an underrated cartoon. You can follow him (or troll him) on Twitter @TheSportsHero.