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Tim Tebow coverage surprises New York Jets owner

We have said since March that the New York Jets' acquisition of Tim Tebow made financial sense, but not much sense on the field. Tebow has brought the attention and headlines that the Jets organization clearly craves.

Still, owner Woody Johnson says he has been overwhelmed by all the interest.

"I think the enormity of it kind of surprised me a little bit," Johnson said Tuesday morning to reporters, via Manish Mehta of the New York Daily News.

To this we say: Really? Did the Jets sleep through 2011?

Make no mistake, though: All the attention isn't seen as a bad thing by the Jets. Hence, the great ESPN training camp access.

"I knew there would be coverage. Even by our standards, this is pretty amazing," Johnson said.

Coverage doesn't necessarily equal victories, although the Rex Ryan era has to be viewed as a success thus far. The Jets' profile certainly is larger in New York. They have changed perceptions and grown interest. Tebow puts them at another level, where even non-football fans are paying attention. All the attention has made normally sober analysts a little crazy.

The Jets love it all.