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Aaron Rodgers appears on NBC's 'The Office'

On this week's "ATL Debate Club," Dan Hanzus and I chatted about the NFL's top running backs, our ingrained aversion to formal wear, and the (somewhat botched) swan song of one of our favorite television vehicles, "The Office."

We've done our part to forge a connection between Dunder Mifflin's workforce and the NFL, and NBC obviously is paying attention.

Thursday night's episode of the "The Office" featured Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers doubling as a celebrity judge on a fictional TV show, "America's Next A Capella Sensation." The assignment brought Aa-Rod face-to-face with a desperate-for-the-spotlight Andy Bernard (played by Ed Helms).

The heavies over at NBC weren't keen on sharing the video, so here's a link. Judge for yourself.

Our take: Rodgers did a nice job. He's no Brett Favre, but he delivered his lines with some moxie and wasn't cowed by the troubling presence of Clay Aiken. Fortunes were less bright for our chum, the 'Nard Dog, whose sad, tumbling descent into middle-age anonymity appears inevitable.

Follow Marc Sessler on Twitter @MarcSesslerNFL.

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