Wednesday's health and safety news from the world of football:
- The Associated Press featured on Darren Woodson, who is helping former NFL players by making T-shirts at his Dallas firm for the Players Association. The three-time All-Pro safety started FanPrint.
- Sports Illustrated reported that the Pac-12 officials voted this week to guarantee scholarships for four years and provide health care for athletics-related injuries up until four years after an athlete leaves a school.
- The Idaho Statesman reported that Boise State also will offer full four-year scholarships and post-career medical and educational benefits to athletes.
- The Wall Street Journal reported on how technology is beating NFL defenses.
- The University of Florida News reported on how the Gators football team is using sensors to collect data about head injuries.
- CBC News reported on how members of the University of Regina football team are getting involved programs for better personal conduct by players.
-- Bill Bradley, contributing editor