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There are four different views that a photo can exist in on an article:

  1. Top of Article View (Above) - This is available when a photo story part is placed at the very top of a "standard" article.
  2. Header Hero View (Not Included) - This is available only in longform articles, but functions just like "Top of Article" view.
  3. Regular View - This is the default view a photo.
  4. Hero View - This is activated by selecting "Hero" as the option in the Photo Part Property called "PositionStyle". Part properties are accessed by clicking the gear wheel icon in the Story entity.
  5. Square View. - This is activated by selecting "Square" as the option in the Photo Part Property called "PositionStyle."

Other things to know:

  • Photographer credit appears when this is provided in the photo entity.
  • A caption can be provided as a part property.

Default Example


Hero Example


Portrait Example


Square Example


Parallax Image Example (Long form Only)

Parallax Title

Parallax Sub Title

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