Wednesday's health and safety news from the world of football:
- The Indianapolis Star reported that several factors have contributed to the decline in the number of participants in freshman football in the state.
- The San Jose Mercury News reported on a study that shows youth athletes are suffering from severe "adult" sports injuries at alarming rates.
- The Washington Post looked at the new helmets that will be used this season by Arlington County (Va.) high school football teams this season.
- The New Castle (Pa.) News gave parents advice on concussion management for their high school students.
- The Chicago Sun-Times looked at an area high school team that is testing the Guardian Cap.
- The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai announced a neuroimaging technique that identifies concussion-related brain disease in living brain.
- Physical Therapy Products reported on a study that said the location of a head impact is not linked to clinical outcomes.
-- Bill Bradley, contributing editor