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Matt Damon: 'Pissed' Brady a great thing for Pats fans

We heard from a volcanic Chuckie Sullivan on Deflategate. Might as well listen to what Will Hunting has to say.

Ben Affleck earned a place in premium cable infamy last month when he christened Bill Simmons' new HBO talk show with an f-bomb laden rant against the NFL over Tom Brady's four-game suspension for the use of under-inflated footballs in the 2014 AFC Championship Game.

Matt Damon discussed the same topic -- in a far more measured manner -- on Tuesday's edition of *The Rich Eisen Show*.

"He got a little animated," Damon said of Affleck, a longtime friend and fellow Boston sports fanatic. "Boston fans, we're a little crazy, and we take this stuff very seriously. And particularly, this thing with Tom has been going on for a long time. It's just the slipshod way that they were measuring these footballs to begin with.

"There was absolutely no science involved, they were giving them this cantaloupe test. And when they switched his balls out at halftime of that Colts game, I don't think people remember that Tommy went out and scored four straight touchdowns with the overinflated balls that they gave him."

Eisen asked Damon how angry he was about how the Brady situation played out.

"I actually look at it the other way," Damon replied. "That Tom's going to be pissed. And him pissed is a good thing for the New England Patriots' faithful. We love seeing him like that. Because he's as focused a human being as I've met anyway."

Damon will remain chill if the Jimmy Garoppolo era goes up in flames.

"If we go 0-4, I'm still not going to sweat it," he said. "But if we go 2-2 or something like that ... fantastic."

You best believe New Englanders will sweat it -- like high-school-wrestler-trying-to-make-weight-in-a-sauna sweat it -- if the Pats roll into mid-October without a win. In said scenario, Affleck is likely institutionalized and Damon will have more pressing things on his mind than the hometown football squad.

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