Tuesday's health and safety news from the world of football:
- Yahoo Sports' Dr. Saturday blog looked at the introduction of the Riddell SpeedFlex helmet and how it might help cut down on concussions in its roll out through college football.
- The Waltham (Mass.) News Tribune featured former New England Patriots lineman Joe Andruzzi, who said he happy that the concussion culture in the NFL is changing after taking too many hits to the head when he played.
- Former NFL player Brendan Ayanbadejo, writing for Fox Sports, called on the league to do more to monitor the health of its players.
- Sports Illustrated looked at how ESPN's "Outside The Lines" has re-examined former NFL player Pat Tillman's death while serving as an Army Ranger.
- Former NFL player Mark Kelso will be part of concussion seminar panel in Edinboro, Pa., according to the Titusville (Pa.) Herald.
- KCNC-TV in Denver reported on the use of Guardian Cap padded helmet covers by the University of Northern Colorado during spring practice. Guardian Caps had been heavily discouraged for use by high schools in the state of Colorado last year.
- News Medical reported on a study presented last week in New Orleans at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine that said no particular brand or style of helmet or mouthguard tested in 2012 was more likely to prevent concussions.
-- Bill Bradley, contributing editor