SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) -San Francisco 49ers coach Mike Nolan said he believes guard Larry Allen might consider postponing his retirement to return for his 15th NFL season.
Allen, an 11-time Pro Bowler, spent the last two seasons with the 49ers after leaving the Dallas Cowboys. Nolan still hasn't spoken directly to Allen, a free agent, but said Monday that offensive line coach George Warhop had a recent conversation with him.
"He called a week or two ago to express his interest, but I haven't heard from him since," Nolan said Monday. "I just think because he's a free agent, he just left it up to his agent this time."
The 36-year-old Allen, who lives in the Bay Area year-round, was widely considered to be headed for retirement even though the soft-spoken guard hadn't said much publicly on the issue.