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Panthers player's North Carolina apartment hit by burglar

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Authorities in North Carolina say the apartment of a Carolina Panthers football player was hit by burglars while he was away at the team's training camp.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police are investigating a Monday night burglary at the home of defensive tackle Corvey Irvin.

Officers say they responded to a neighbor's call about a suspicious vehicle at an apartment complex and talked to a witness who said there might have been a break-in. Police found a rear door smashed and several items taken. The missing items include a $1,000 pair of Louis Vuitton sunglasses, a $500 television and an Xbox 360.

Most of the Panthers players are in Spartanburg, S.C., for training camp.

Irvin, 26, is in his second NFL season out of Georgia.

Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press

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