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Quotes from Manning's Dec. 9 set interview

Indianapolis Colts QB Peyton Manning visited Rich Eisen, Marshall Faulk, Steve Mariucci and Deion Sanders on the set of "NFL Network's Kay Jewelers Postgame Show" following the Colts' 30-28 victory over the Tennessee Titans on "Thursday Night Football". Click here for a video link to the interview on and selected quotes.

Quotes from Peyton Manning on NFL Network's postgame show:

On the Colts down the stretch:

"I think we're in a four-game playoffs. This was a playoff game tonight."

On his struggles going into the game:

"Somebody asked me 'are you in a slump?' I said 'well I guess maybe I was but I've been on about an eight-and-a-half year hitting streak going into that."

On criticism:

"This past week everybody's telling me 'hang in there.' I was never really 'out there' wherever 'there' is. I've kept my head up, I've been positive. I think it's been a test of faith and working through adversity."

On why the Colts had success against the Titans:

"I thought we got back to being that three-dimensional offense again though. Some first down runs, some play-action, some dropbacks. We had a good mix and I thought that really got things going for us tonight."

On if the Colts have to pare down their offense while integrating new players:

"We really expect those guys to learn it. They get a lot of reps during the week. Blair White and [Jacob] Tamme and Javarris James, we throw a lot at them. I'm really proud of their efforts. Those guys are learning so much on the run in critical situations. I really appreciate how hard they're working."

On the Colts' struggles entering the game against the Titans:

"Blair [White], Jacob Tamme, Javarris James. If you had told me that these guys would be playing at the beginning of the season, I would have said that's probably not good for us. But these guys are learning so it's my job and our job to help them. I think as a veteran it doesn't do any good to blame anybody. It's really not about whose fault it is; it's about how you handle it and how you fix it. I've been trying hard to fix it."

On the Colts moving forward:

"We have to get back to [playing together], feeding off one another and playing together. We've been kind of alternating who has played well each week. We haven't all three played together in all three phases. I thought it was better tonight."

On a successful offense:

"I'm looking at 35 [pass] attempts [tonight]; that's what we're used to. But when you're throwing 48 and 50 [times a game], that's more than we should be throwing. That means we've been behind some, it means we haven't been running the ball as well. This felt more like a normal offense tonight."

On who the MVP should be:

"A lot of guys playing well. [Tom] Brady's playing awesome, [Michael] Vick's playing awesome. I mean, you have to give it to a quarterback don't you?

On what drives him:

"I'm enjoying the ride. I'm trying to get better every year, I'm seeing a lot of new challenges, new players. But I still enjoy working."

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