The Toronto Sun's John Kryk reported that the NFL has been talking to NHL officials for the past month about how they use a centralized command center for reviewable calls.
Kryk's report said the NFL had a league official observe the NHL's review center Nov. 30, when the pro hockey league was simultaneously monitoring 10 games. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said last week the league is rethinking its current process.
The NFL already has a command center, but it is used for general monintoring of games, reviewing plays for fines and clarifying officiating calls for on-site broadcasters. Some of the command center's work focuses on monitoring player health and safety issues.
The NFL had no comment on the Sun story. However, Goodell said Wednesday during the December league meetings that the NFL has considered replacing instant replay booths at individual stadiums with a centralized review center.
Goodell said Wednesday the NFL's plan for a possible review center wasn't based on the NHL's center.
-- Bill Bradley, contributing editor