Monday's health and safety news from the world of football:
- USA Today's For The Win reported on a new type of carbon fiber-based shoulder pads from Russell Athletic, which debuted them Monday. Russell officials said the pads, which will retail for $500, might be the lightest available.
- The Argus in London featured a University of Brighton student who says he is developing a football helmet that will detect concussions.
- The Associated Press reported that ex-NFL stars turned out for a fundraiser for Jim Kelly, who recently completed radiation treatment for cancer.
- USA Today Sports wrote about the NFL Players Association Rookie Premiere, where a number of business deals are made with first-year players.
- The Associated Press reported on Kansas City Chiefs coach Andy Reid, who returned to Philadelphia to talk at the NFL's career development symposium.
- The Pittsburgh Tribune Review talked to NFL doctors, who said Toradol use in the game has changed.
- The Fort Worth Star-Telegram published a photo gallery of former NFL linebacker Barron Wortham working with Metroplex kids at a USA Football FUNdamentals clinic.
- The Santa Cruz Sentinel featured the UC-Santa Cruz freshman whose cushioned-helmet experiment was featured at President Barack Obama's youth concussion summit last Thursday.
- The Virgnian-Pilot featrured Dr. Joel Brenner, medical director of the Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters sports medicine program and director of CHKD's sports concussion program, who was asked to represent the American Academy of Pediatrics at the White House summit on youth sports concussions.
- KRIS-TV in Corpus Christi, Texas, looked at concussive and sub-concussive hits through the eyes of a Texas A&M-Corpus Christi trainer.
- News 12 New Jersey reported on the calls for concussion awareness that have spread from local schools the White House.
-- Bill Bradley, contributing editor