Tuesday's health and safety news from the world of football:
- As part of the National Athletic Trainers month, StlouisRams.com took a guided tour inside the Rams' athletic training room with assistant athletic trainer James Lomax.
- The St. George (Utah) Spectrum looked at athletic trainers as a resource for high school football players.
- Sports Techie reported that posthumously donating brains to science could become a trend for NFL players.
- KGTV-TV in San Diego looked at how athletes are using regenerative stem cell therapy to heal injuries.
- The Santa Rose (California) Press-Democrat profiled the current Miss Sonoma County, who is a former varsity offensive lineman and a future U.S. Marine in training.
- WFOR-TV in Miami reported on a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics that said school-based drug testing lacks solid evidence for effectiveness.
-- Bill Bradley, contributing editor