Hard to imagine anyone in Miami who hasn't heard whispers of the "Suck for Luck" campaign.
Some schoolchildren perhaps? A vagrant or two. Maybe the random office worker -- but not a pro football coach, right? And not a Dolphins coach, whose winless band of lovable losers act as pace car in the race for Stanford's all-everything quarterback Andrew Luck.
"Suck for Luck. I haven't heard that," defensive coordinator Mike Nolantold The Palm Beach Post this week. "I really haven't. ... Explain it to me."
We have to ask, sir, how on earth?
Is Nolan living alone in the deep forest? (And would this explain the 380 yards per game they're giving up?)
No, he's just tucked away in the same cave in which all these coaches exist, laser focused on the next opponent, putting the past away. Compartmentalizing the world outside.
"I stay out of touch with that as much as I can," Nolan said. "That's the personnel department."
He's right about that, and Miami's men upstairs aren't doubting the existence of Andrew Luck.