Tuesday's health and safety news from the world of football:
- The Ogden Standard-Examiner reported that new data from the Utah Department of Health Youth Risk Behavior Survey showed that more than a third of high school students who played sports in 2013 and had symptoms of a concussion never told anyone.
- KSDK-TV in St. Louis reported on concussion research at Washington University that is being funded by a grant from the NFL.
- WAVY-TV in Portsmouth, Va., looked at the way football concussions issues are treated by doctors in its community.
- The Bradenton Herald reported that parents in Florida's Manatee County want the school system's concussion policy updated.
- Daily Rx reported on a new study that says lower back injuries are the third most prevalent injury suffered by young athletes.
- A columnist from the Northwest Times of Indiana wrote about the American Academy of Pediatrics' findings that returning from concussions for kids is a learning process.
-- Bill Bradley, contributing editor