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Washington Football Team postpones scrimmage in response to Blake shooting

The Washington Football Team has postponed Thursday's scrimmage at FedEx Field in light of the recent shooting of 29-year-old Black man Jacob Blake by Kenosha (Wisconsin) Police.

Washington's decision came Wednesday evening following the Detroit Lions canceling practice on Tuesday and the NBA and WNBA's postponement of their Wednesday games.

A statement by head coach Ron Rivera was released explaining the decision:

"[Team president] Jason Wright and I worked this afternoon to develop a response that has the right balance between the business of football and being truly thoughtful about the social injustice we witnessed with this latest incident in Wisconsin. We went to [owner] Mr. [Daniel] Snyder with our plan for tomorrow and we were given his complete support and approval. Friday, we can return to football. But tomorrow will be about reflection instead. In place of our practice at FedExField, the players, coaches and football staff will meet as a football family and we will continue our open dialogue on the issues of racism and social injustice in our country. Mr. Snyder and Jason will join us in our discussion with the team tomorrow, just as Mr. Snyder and I will support Jason in similar discussions we are planning for members of the business and stadium side of the organization. We are all in this together. And as a team we will work to figure out ways that we can make a positive impact in our communities."

Wright later Tweeted out his support of Rivera and the decision.

There has been no announcement for a newly scheduled time for the scrimmage.

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